hey you, it’s me!

Kristina in blue-toned image, wearing long-sleeve shirt and necklace, against light background.


My name is Kristina, and I was guided to my spiritual gifts early in life. Coming from a lineage that would have been considered “witches” back in the days, it was normal for me to speak about spirits and the flow of energy. Even my parents, who were in the midst of their so-called “spiritual awakening” when I was born, taught me Reiki and meditation, helping me develop my “spiritual muscle” at an early age in a natural and safe way. I learned that everything is energy—not just in a theoretical sense but also in a practical way. This understanding allowed me to perceive energy and things beyond the visible spectrum, even as a child.

Kristina Ghi on a beach, meditating and working with energy

Forgetting in order to remember

At the age of 8, I moved to Germany, entering a completely new environment and chapter of life. I spent my teenage years there, completing high school and studying a career that, in hindsight, I realized I never truly enjoyed and had chosen for the wrong reasons.

But life had a surprise in store for me—a reminder that the path my Soul chose lies outside the ordinary. I just had to surrender, take a leap of faith into a new life, and trust the divine. After spending six months living in Spain, I glimpsed how life could be if I followed my inner calling and guidance. I moved to Madrid shortly after and radically changed my life, starting to dedicate myself to helping others on their healing journeys at a deeper, more profound level.

Kristina in meditation pose on a beach, wearing a grey tank top and bracelets, with mountains in the background.


While teaching German and offering individual Reiki sessions in Madrid, I began my training in QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique), inspired by Dolores Cannon's teachings, her work, and her discoveries, and graduated in 2019. I vividly remember the moment I was introduced to her brilliant work. My entire body began to vibrate, and it felt as though something deep within me remembered this calling, even though my mind wasn’t yet ready to fully accept it.

It wasn’t until I had a Quantum Hypnosis session myself where I received more details about why this work was so deeply connected to my mission in life: to help people tap into higher states of consciousness through trance and connect to their Soul in order to remember why they chose the life and challenges they did to learn and grow from them.

Kristina meditating outdoors with hands in prayer position, wearing a gray tank top and jewelry, cloudy sky background.


Since then, I’ve guided people from all over the world on their own inner journeys. Advanced teachings such as BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) and Ho'oponopono soon followed, deepening my practice. Through connecting the dots, we begin to understand that nothing in life happens by coincidence. That before incarnating, we chose the roles, people and lessons we wanted to experience in this lifetime.

By learning about my own past lives, the connections and pathways of my Soul, and the roots I chose for this life, I feel infinitely blessed to be able to now assist others on their spiritual journey of empowerment by helping them remember who they truly are through the divine potential from within and everywhere around us. In each session, it is my highest intention to hold sacred space and the energy of pure light and unconditional love, so that the person can release everything that no longer serves them and tap into their highest Truths to live a life in alignment and integrity.

in loving service and devotion,

Kristina ♥️

get to know me a little better

Honouring and reconnecting to our body as our sacred home. It's about nourishing a deeper connection with our physical vessel and by listening to what it communicates with us, getting out of the head and into the body. Out of the mind and into the HEART.

December, 2023

random reflection

Through our consistent efforts to unravel the layers of beliefs of who we think we are, we may realise that our interpretations of the world that we learned and assumed through past experiences and lessons are not that true after all.

So the question arises: Who are we if we do not identify with the set of beliefs we assumed to be THE truth about ourselves?

Is it even necessary to define who we are? What if we could just BE. A better person each day, ever-changing from moment to moment anew.

What if each new situation could offer a new possibility to make new decisions based on the given circumstances and new information presented, rather than based on past experiences?

And what if this present moment is the only thing that ever truly exists…?

July, 2024

If everything around us is merely a reflection of our own inner world, what do you SEE when you look into the mirror called life? There’s a saying that really hits the spot: “The universe doesn’t give you what you want; it gives you who you are.”

January, 2024

random reflection

Isn't this life just a huge paradox? On the one hand we are the creators of our own little illusion called reality, giving it direction and painting it with action and emotion, words and deeds, thoughts and intentions. Like an artist standing infront of a blank canvas. Like a poet sitting infront of a blank page. Like a musician hearing the whole composition before even playing a single note.

On the other hand, the universe has its own little turns and twists, sprinkling synchronicities and glitches in the matrix and always making sure everything goes exactly according to the big plan. The bigger picture. The way it's supposed to be. There is no good or bad in it, everything just IS. The full trust to something so much bigger than us than the human mind is even capable of comprehending, is what's called surrender, ma friends.

October, 2022

Are you the observer of your thoughts, or the one being observed? How present can you be when the mind is trying to create a story around a certain emotion passing through? In Carlos Castaneda’s books, Don Juan talks about our interaction with the world and how it can lead to a heightened sense of self-importance. This ultimately creates a barrier that keeps one locked in a narrow view of reality, preventing from experiencing the vastness of existence itself. He says that for a Warrior of Light, the key to losing one’s self-importance lies in shedding the personal history, and the first step to achieving this, my friends, is by practicing the stopping of the internal dialogue 🤫🔥

February, 2024

random reflection

Being in peace requires practicing peace. Knowing thyself requires observing thyself. Living in light requires shining the light.

Everything we do in life has a consequence. But the word consequence has gained such a negative connotation. It just means that every cause has an effect and that life is a chain of events, ever-changing. Change is the only constant in this universe, it is something that should be embraced and we as humanity have to move forward together to make the change we want to see in the world, and this sometimes requires discipline and focus to achieve.

December, 2022

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